
Fife Independent Film Enterprise

Fife Independent Film Enterprise is a social enterprise that seeks to promote film making in Fife,
working with schools, community & others to create a strong film making capacity in Fife

Building Film in Fife

FIFE Film is seeking build opportunity and capacity in Fife by :

  • To encourage the development of film, filmmaking and the roles involved across Fife’s communities and the surrounding areas to empower communities and people.
  • To create opportunities for people in and around Fife to experience filmmaking and performing as therapy, personal exploration and to develop new skills and experiences.
  • To support communities (and groups) to harness film to tell their story and promote their work.
  • To bring filmmakers together to develop financially sustainable filmmaking and create films.

FIFE Film will seek to achieve these aims by :

  • Work with others where practical to develop filmmaking facilities.
  • Develop a growing group of people interested in supporting film and filmmaking.
  • Connect with communities to encourage creative film related activities.
  • Develop taster and short training opportunities.
  • Develop and nurture talent where possible.
  • Create Talent, Location & facility Databases.
  • Develop & produce films to be shown and distributed.
  • Link with Others (FCT, Fife College, etc) to further Aims.

A key aspiration is to create a micro budget film studio, opening up quality facilities to local filmmakers to come together to make ambitious creative films, raising the quality and capacity of filmmaking in Fife - and opportunties for the many creative film realted people in the Kingdom.

FIFE Film News and Updates

Check the Projects page for 2 film projects:

Stanley's Gig

Cannibal Run

Watch this space.

Connect on Twitter @FIFEFilm - Facebook

Now using Zoom to keep connected

How to get involved?

If you have a passion for filmmaking - even if you have no skills or experience at present or simply want to bring other skills that can help - why not do one (or more) of the following?

Go to the contact page and fill in the contact form.

Come to our meetings (last Monday each month).

Work on one of the many projects local filmmakers are doing.

FIFE Film meets on the last Monday of each month at the

Currently meeting via Zoom (online)

Email us for details and get involved

All welcome

Do you have a project?

Send us details of the project so that we can add it to the projects page, advertise to film people for actors, crew, caterers, make up, costume, transport, equipment, etc.

Do you have skills?

Maybe you are an actor, camera operator, make up artist, caterer, can offer transport, etc. Why not let us know so we can connect you with filmmakers. Most are unlikely to be paid but they are likely to be enormous fun!

Are you a trainer?

Have you got special skills that coud be shared, techiques to help fellow filmmakers even better at what they do?  Why not get in touch and help.

Contact FIFE Film on the contact form or via the link.